How we do it

  1. Pick

What is important to you?

To increase your life expectancy? Optimise your nutritional health? Transform your body/physique? Improve cognitive function/energy level or reduce stress? We are all different and we all have different needs/goals.

2. Know

Know yourself

Each H&P client gets our world-leading H&P Client Report developed in conjunction with leading research institutions. We use latest scientific techniques & analysis to offer you the most thorough, comprehensive assessment of your non-medical health possible (including genetically optimal nutrition & activity, plasma nutrient concentrations, sleep quality, stress levels, food intolerances, age-matched health score, body transformation timelines, composition and many more). And no clinics. We come to you, wherever you are in the world.

3. Plan

Bespoke plans to achieve your goals with minimal effort/interruption

We don’t give general guidelines. Your plan, designed by top specialists, will be comprehensive, time-lined, tailored around your lifestyle, work & travel and completely customised to you down to the genetic level. We work out how to give maximal health enhancement with zero to minimal lifestyle change.

4. Implement

We want you to enjoy life, worry-free

We don’t tell you what to do and leave you to work it out. You don’t have time. More important than what you need to do is what you don’t need to do. We create tailored solutions packages from a huge range of services. From simple guidelines/recommendations on a piece of paper through to private chef training, customised gyms, specialist fitness trainers who travel with you and real-time monitoring.